Monday, December 15, 2008

Over the Hill and through the Woods to

...Grandma's House we go....

Christmas usually means company. This week, the Word Quilters will give you hints for spiffinng up your house in a jif when you get a phone call that company is on their way, or if you do this routine early, you'll be ready all day if somone drops in for a visit.

I heard this tip years ago, and I've found it to be a good one. Keep your mirrors and appliances shiny, and the gleam will catch your visitor's attention, making a good first impression. and it will make you feel better, too. Take a spray bottle of Windex, a roll of paper towels or some lint free rags and only do the household mirrors. Go do that now. There. Do you feel better about your housekeeping?

I like to take a few minutes each day to tidy rooms. Round up any stray itmes and return them to their "homes." Also, keep a clear cookie jar filled with homebaked cookies out in a prominent place, and place something cheerful by the door guests enter--a plant, a welcome sign, r a bright welcome mat. Put on a smile and welcome any guests who happen to phone ahead or drop by.

What if thngs are mussed up and you have callers? Be gracious. Say as little about your mess as possible. You might make them feel bad for dropping in. Err on the side of hospitality and put your all-I-want-for-Christmas-is-a-neat-house ego on hold. Choose to be a blessing to all who cross your threshhold and seek your company. What a compliment. They wanted to come see YOU!

Merry Christmas this week as we go into the last few days, counting down -- 10 full days until Christmas ....Cathy Messecar

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